This will make them airborne/make them fly. The ethical way to kill them as mentioned by TreeKiwi (one of the developers) is to run toward them and whistle. Shooting pheasants on the ground or in the process of landing gives no integrity points and shows 'grounded'. The Ring-Necked Pheasant is a class 1 bird that can only be found on Rancho del Arroyo and New England Mountains, also it was backfilled in Hirschfelden and Cuatro Colinas during Decemlarge update. They are not adept flyers and only take to the air as a last ditch effort to escape immediate danger.' ― In-Game Description Pheasants live on the ground in open prairies and farmlands, where they feed on seeds and insects.
Females have a duller light-brown plumage with black spots. Males have a vibrant plumage with a distinctive blue-green head and red wattles on their face.
Pheasants live in loose flocks that break up into mated pairs come the breeding season. Originating in Asia, the species has been introduced in many countries for the purpose of hunting. The common pheasant is an extremely popular game bird all over the world. ' Ring-necked pheasants are a subspecies of the common pheasant, named after the ring of white feathers at the base of their neck.